Annual Report


4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8

Table of ​Contents

The Key to Life is Loving Kindness

Bench dedication honoring ​Judie Donaldson (1938–2023) ​Co-founder of Carquinez Village

Building Toward a Better Future

The Boomer Generation has not received ​this much attention since the wild and ​woolly sixties, a time when we challenged ​existing systems and helped lay the ​foundations for new social norms, policies, ​and direction. We framed the future then ​and we are at it again.

Very soon those reaching the age of 60

will outnumber those under the age of 18, ​creating a demographic that is presenting ​an opportunity to redesign healthcare, ​housing, nutrition, and transportation. ​Discussions are taking place at the

state and federal levels and within our

own families. Carquinez Village is well- ​positioned to be an influencer in the

design of this new future.

Carquinez Village was founded through the ​vision of two Benicia women who wanted to ​revolutionize the experiences of aging. They ​saw change coming and wanted to

be part of the solutions. Together with ​others of like mind, they saw value in living ​safely in their own homes and communities ​but needed assistance to do so. They ​wanted easy access to social connections, ​educational programs and stimulating ​activities in order to stay current and

involved. They could see that by working ​together, and utilizing volunteer energy, ​this could happen.

These same thoughts were occurring

to people throughout the country. In ​California, there are now forty-seven ​thriving villages. The driving force of the ​Village movement are the volunteers who ​make up our Boards and offer everyday ​support like transportation and check-in ​calls and visits.

Carquinez Village supports 150 members ​with the help of approximately 70 ​volunteers in Benicia and Vallejo. We hold ​memberships in the Village Movement

of California and the National Village to ​Village Network. We began as community ​members, and now we find ourselves as ​part of a strong community of friends

and partnerships.

A powerful voice for older adults in our ​area, we are dedicated to enhancing the ​ability of each of our members to live full, ​independent lives. We are a charitable

tax exempt 501 C3 nonprofit depending ​primarily on dues and the open hearts of ​our generous donors.

Letter from the Executive Director & President ​2023 Annual Report

As we reflect on the past year and set our 2024 goals, Helen and I want to express our deep ​appreciation to all of our hard working volunteers who remain the heartbeat of our organization. ​Through a period of uncertainty and adaptation, they dedicated themselves to serving older adults ​in our community, providing resources needed to thrive in the place they call home. In 2023, we ​continued to fulfill this mission by offering a wide range of support and programs designed to ​empower our Villagers and enhance their quality of life.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our sponsors and donors, whose generosity ​sustains our meaningful work. Your support has been instrumental in making a positive impact on

the lives of residents as they age, and we are grateful for your commitment to our cause. We offer

a special thank you to the City of Benicia and the Human Services Board for enabling us to appoint ​and staff an Executive Director, a crucial step in helping Carquinez Village reach its fullest potential.

It is estimated that by 2030, nearly 20% of California’s population will be over the age of 65. As we ​look to the future, our goals include broadening our program offerings with additional volunteers, ​embracing new members from diverse backgrounds, fostering deeper connections within our ​community, and championing policies that put the needs of older adults in Benicia and Vallejo at ​the forefront. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life for the elders we serve, and we ​invite you to join us in this journey.

As we embark on this new chapter, we invite all of our friends, old and new, to contribute to ​Carquinez Village and help us continue a mission rooted in the belief that every individual deserves ​to age with dignity and independence. Your donations, whether financial or through volunteering ​your time and expertise, are instrumental in helping us provide critical services to older adults in ​Benicia and Vallejo, particularly during these tough economic times.

In closing, we are optimistic and enthusiastic about the year ahead! With your help, Carquinez ​Village will continue to serve the needs of older adults, providing them with a strong sense of ​security and belonging.


Jennifer Hanley ​Executive Director

Helen Hughes ​President



Boy Oh Boy Bocce Ball

Picnics and Potlucks Galore ​Holiday & Founding Day Parties ​Private House Concerts ​Lavender Farm Tour

Glasoff Sculpture Ranch Tour ​Ruth Bancroft Garden Tour

San Francisco Symphony


Voter Awareness & Education ​Cyber Crime Prevention

& Support

Fall Prevention Series

Brain Enrichment Classes

Emergency Preparedness

Recycling Information

Exercise & Mobility Classes


Monthly Speaker Series

July 3rd Torchlight Parade ​Touro University Partnership ​Benicia Dog Festival

Senior Resource Fair

Holiday Adopt a Family

Thank You!

With grateful hearts we honor our donors!

$10,000 +

Susan & Mark Neuhaus


Diane Choquette


Suzanne Awalt ​Karen Burns ​Dennis Dellarocca ​Jeanie & Tim ​Hamann


Leonard & Helen ​Caves

Gerry Forcier ​Leslie Lessenger ​Sharon Maher ​Marilyn Shaeffer

Up to $500

Joe Athey

Carlo Carlucci ​Jeffery Basham ​Helaine Bowles ​Monica Brown ​Nancy Caravaca ​Linda Chandler ​Raymond Davena ​Judie Donaldson ​Elaine Eisner

Ann Felldin

Greg Gartrell ​Mary Eichbauer ​Shirley Gotro ​Sandra Grey ​Helen Hughes

Anthony FaillaAlan & Alice ​Carolyn FallonPlutchok

Ellen KolowichRobin Plutchok ​Gun LandwehrKay Reid

Lionel LargaespadaAlvin Russell ​Susan MacDonaldKaren Schlumpp ​Janice MagnerCraig Snider

Kris MarchRose Sonnen ​Rosemary MatossianSherrie Szalay ​Patricia McKittrickPete & Gayle ​Sam & Joyce Vaughan ​MiddlebrookBarrett Vogel ​Kathy MonroeBarbara Wood ​Joseph MurphySabina Yates ​Bobbie Nickolatus

Charlene Ping

Greg & Pat Plant

and our Supporting Partners:

Benicia Chamber of Commerce, Benicia Public Library, Benicia Senior Center, ​Benicia Lutheran Church, Benicia Parkinson’s Group, City of Benicia-Health & ​Human Services Board, Community Congregational Church of Benicia, Community ​Presbyterian Church of Vallejo, Florence Douglas Center, Kyle Hyland Foundation, ​Heritage Presbyterian Church, and the San Francisco Symphony

Carquinez Village is a proud member of


2023 Revenue

Fundraising, ​Donations,

& Grants




Fundraising, Donations ​& Grants





Volunteer ​Development

Member Services

General ​Management

Sta  Wages


Member Services

Staff Wages & Benefits ​General Management ​Volunteer Development

$17,211.00 ​$17,432.00 ​$19,399.00 ​$2,949.00





58 are also members



residents of Benicia & Vallejo



unique services provided


round-trip rides


event attendees

Carquinez Village strives to lessen the growing crises

of loneliness, isolation, and unaffordable, inaccessible social care ​for older adults in our communities.

The butterfly effect of our efforts is making meaningful impact on ​the lives of so many in Benicia and Vallejo.

We have more to do and together we will

continue to light up the lives of our members.

Join the Village Movement!

• Become a member!

• Sponsor an elder in need

• Join our volunteer team!

• Become a volunteer driver

• Join one of our committees

• Make a donation to provide support

• Share your talent or expertise by

presenting at a speaking engagement

• Host an event or activity for our members

• Donate to our auction or a fundraiser

77 Solano Square, #279

Benicia, CA 94510

(707) 297-2472 • ​EIN: 47-4133336